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时间:2024-10-13 08:42:01

  本文摘要:Japan is exploring the feasibility of forging the Olympic 2020 medals using precious metals salvaged from electronic waste.日本正在探寻用于电子垃圾中重复使用利用的贵金属来生产2020年东京奥运会的奖牌。

Japan is exploring the feasibility of forging the Olympic 2020 medals using precious metals salvaged from electronic waste.日本正在探寻用于电子垃圾中重复使用利用的贵金属来生产2020年东京奥运会的奖牌。Members of Japans Olympic organising committee tabled the idea to government officials and companies earlier this year, local media reports said.当地媒体报道,日本奥林匹克的组织委员会的成员们在今年早些时候将此点子月递交给了政府官员和涉及公司。Olympic host cities have traditionally obtained the metal from mining firms.奥林匹克主办城市一向就是指矿产公司售予金属。

But Japan, which lacks its own mineral resources, is keen to take the theme of a sustainable future a step further.但是日本作为一个矿产资源缺少的国家,致力于更加了解地秉持可持续未来的主题。The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has developed strict criteria for the worlds greatest sporting event, and this extends to how the medals should be produced.国际奥委会(IOC)为奥运会制订了苛刻的标准,其中涵括了如何制作奖牌。The Rio Olympics, for example, used gold that was extracted without the use of mercury and a third of the silver and bronze used came from recycled sources.例如,里大约奥运会的金牌就是在无水银的情况下萃取而得,三分之一的银和铜来自可回收材料。



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